For each counterparty you have the possibility to describe different events. This helps to leave a trail of communication with the customer, especially in organizations with multiple salespeople. In the system, you have the ability to set up different types of events that make sense for your organization.
This page allows you to create and organize event types. The screen is divided into two parts: Header (1) and List (2).
In the Header (1) you see an Event Type button , which you can use to add a new event type.
The list (2) consists of the different event types you have entered in the system.
Column | Description |
Code | Event type code |
Name | Event type name |
Status | Active / Archived |
You can perform the following actions on the list:
- Arrows – change the position of an event;
- Edit – edit an event;
- Archive/Activate – archive/activate an event.