Point of sale POS

Point of Sale Management Interface. On the screen you see Heather (1) and List (2):

Heather (1)

In the Header (1) you see the Region, Store and POS buttons. With them you add a new region, a new store or a new POS.

List (2)

The list (2) consists of the entered objects in a tree structure. The top level is always Region, below it Store, and finally POS. The table contains the following data:

CodeObject code
NameName of Region/Store/POS.
OfficeThe office of the respective shop.
WarehouseThe warehouse of the respective store.
Treasury/accountCheckout at the respective POS.
Card payments accountAccount selected for card payments to POS.
Responsible personsUsers selected as POS merchants.

You can perform the following actions on the list:

  • – choose the persons responsible for the POS;
  • – opens the site for editing;
  • /– backup/enable POS;
  • – POS deletion.