Cost of materials

Material cost report. Gives information on items consumed by type of expenditure and period.

On the screen you see Heather (1), Filter (2) and Score (3).

The filter allows you to search:

  • From date/to date – period for expenditure on warehouse(s);
  • Company – by company, mandatory choice;
  • Warehouse – by warehouse;
  • Expenses in period – filter the result by type of expense and period
    • Expense type – Total / Sales / Production / Marriage / Lipsi / Other
    • Daily / Monthly / Weekly – basis for aggregation of quantities and values
  • Groups – by item group;
  • Brand – by brand of the item;
  • Search – combined text field for searching an item by code, name, description, brand and item group;

The result is grouped in three tabs: by Items, by Item Groups and by Stock.

Result without Expenditure in period

Sales quantitySales quantity of the item
Cost of salesCost of items sold
Production quantityQuantity of goods and materials input into production
Self-cost productionCost of inputs
Quantity of marriageQuantity of scrapped items
Self-value marriageCost of scrapped items
Amount of limpetsAmount of missing items
Self-worth shortages Self-value of shortages
Amount of otherAmount of other costs by item
Self-value otherSelf-value of others
Total quantityTotal quantity consumed
Total costTotal cost per quantity consumed

Result including Cost in period

Sample result after filtering by Expense Type – Total and Monthly Statement for the period 1.01.2019 – 28.02.2019:

Quantity Total 01.2019Total quantity consumed for 01.2019
Cost Total 01.2019Total cost per quantity consumed for 02.2019
Quantity Total 02.2019Total quantity consumed for 02.2019
Self-value Total 02.2019Total cost per quantity consumed for 02.2019
Total quantityTotal quantity consumed
Total costTotal cost per quantity consumed