Add / edit street

Add street

You can add a street from the CRM> Settings> Locations menu using the Street button in the fifth tab.

You are presented with an interface where you must fill in the fields:

  • Settlement (1)– from the drop-down menu you need to select the settlement to which the neighbourhood belongs.
  • Neighbourhood (2)– from the drop-down menu you need to select the neighbourhood to which the street belongs
  • Name (3)– in free text
  • To save your changes, you need to click the Confirm button.

    Editorial street

    By clicking at the end of the line, you are taken to an editing interface. The interface has the same fields as the add above, but opens loaded with the data of the location you have selected for editing.
    To save your changes, you need to click the Confirm button.

    Replacement of settlement

    Replacement is used to manage all kinds of settlements, with replacement uniting one settlement with another. Can be used in settlements that:

  • are duplicated or entered multiple times
  • have a misspelled name
  • are redundant for some reason
  • Clicking at the end of the row of the settlement you want to REMOVE opens a replacement interface where you select which settlement you want to replace the wrong one with.

    To save your changes, you need to click the Confirm button.
