Discounts on deliveries:
I make ONE price list in which for each item I want to put a price – how much discount I expect to get from the supplier at the end of the year for the turnover reached. Amount (not percentage), excluding VAT in base currency,
A supplier from whom I will receive discounts must be flagged to give me discounts
In this case, the system at checkout will discount the goods by the difference of the price in the order with this price from the Price List for Discounted Deliveries
For a cube I put a price 10.00 – that’s 10 leva
I order a cube at a price of 100 euros (exchange rate 2.0 leva / euro) – this should in principle cheapen the goods with a cost of 200 BGN
In this case the system will discount the goods for 190lv – 200lv price on order – 10lv on price list Discounts on deliveries