Import documents and payments

To import documents into the system, first download a blank import form from the Download Form button.

Important! The import works with rows of documents, not whole documents.
Do not move the columns! Do not delete or add columns!

Description of the columns

  • Import Document Type* – a field defining the type of the imported document. Allowable values:
    • so – sale of goods/services;
    • po – order for delivery of goods/services;
    • invoice – revenue invoice;
    • credit_invoice – credit note on a revenue invoice;
    • debit_invoice – debit note on a revenue invoice;
    • expense_invoice – expense invoice;
    • credit_expense_invoice – credit note on an expense invoice;
    • debit_expense_invoice -debit note on expense invoice;
    • expense_liability – a background document for a cost estimate;
    • credit – a revenue payment to a bank account;
    • debit – payment from a bank account;
    • cash_income – cash receipt;
    • cash_expense – cash order;
  • Number* – document number, all lines with the same number to one counterparty will be grouped into one document;
  • Date* – date of the document
  • POS/Office – name of POS (for sales) or name of office (for financial documents) to which the document will be associated;
  • Customer* – customer name
  • Currency* – currency of the document. Allowed values are the codes of the currencies entered in the system: BGN, USD, EUR or other;
  • Exchange rate* – exchange rate of the document currency. For documents in BGN enter 1;
  • Type of tax transaction (sale, order, invoice)* – valid field for documents of type sale, order, invoice. Eligible Values – name of one of the Tax Transactions entered in the system. Based on the selected transaction tax, the type of tax applied to the document will be selected;
  • Item code – valid field for documents of sales, order type. Eligible values – code of an item or service entered into the system;
  • Description (sale, order, invoice) – text description of the item (line);
  • Measure – name, code or si label (measure) of the measure entered in the system and selected for the item;
  • Quantity (sale, order, invoice) – number;
  • Amount – a number, the amount without taxes accrued;
  • Taxes – a number, the amount of taxes charged only;
  • Amount with taxes – a number, everything to pay;
  • Financial document type. Entered for Orders/Sales only. Allowable values:
    • invoice or Invoice;
    • receipt or Cash voucher;
    • Liability or Receipt;
  • Financial document number (sale, order)
  • Date financial document (sale, order)
  • Account name – the name of the account in which the financial document was paid;
  • Payment date (sale, order)
  • Type of payment (sale, order). Eligible values – code or name of the payment method from the Payment methods nomenclature;
  • Feather – valid field for invoice type documents. Eligible values – revenue item name for revenue financial documents or expenditure item name for expenditure financial documents.

* Fields marked with this symbol are required.

Често срещани проблеми

Внимание! Системата не се грижи за логическа вярност на данните! Ако данните които импортирате са в правилния формат съответните записи ще бъдат създадени.

Няма undo на вече създадени записи след импорт - проверявайте внимателно данните които импортирате. Внимавайте да не създадете голям обем грешни записи, които после трябва да триете или коригирате един по един.

Автоматичното интелигентно форматиране на съдържанието на ексела понякога създава неприятни проблеми. Често срещани казуси, за които да внимавате:

  • Полета със съдържание, подобно на числа много често се преформатират до число. Например текстово поле с телефонни номера, започващи с "088" могат да се преформатират до "88", като изчезне започващата "0"
  • Полета със съдържание, подобно на дата се преформатират до дата. Например "010203" може да се преформатира до "01.02.2003"
  • Импортът не работи с формули и референции!